Personalized Counseling for Men

It's time to care for yourself the way you've always cared for others.

It's time to care for yourself the way you've always cared for others. Counseling for men can make your life, work, and relationships richer and more satisfying.

Melissa Bennett-Heinz Image Background Therapy For Men

Yes, Therapy Is for You, Too

Does this sound familiar? You're an intelligent, driven, and successful man. You pride yourself on being stoic, self-reliant, in control, and, of course, the “strong provider.” At least that's what others see.

But what they don't see is that your job leaves you feeling unfulfilled, stressed, and stuck, even if it gives you money or social status. You can't savor your success because it feels like the goalposts keep moving.

Because you struggle to communicate your feelings and needs, the people close to you don't see that you feel misunderstood or unsupported. They don't realize that you get angry in conflicts because that's one of the few emotions you were taught are “acceptable” for men.

You may also be hiding emotions that you believe are not acceptable for men. Depression. Anxiety. Confusion. Guilt and shame. Your motivation, energy, and confidence feel depleted. But you just keep doing, fixing, and contributing because you believe those are the only things that give you value.

Life doesn't have to feel like this. You can feel more joy, purpose, peace, and connection. And counseling for men is the starting point.

Let’s Debunk Misperceptions About Men's Counseling

We all experience hard times and difficult emotions. So why do men seek therapy at lower rates than women do?

In Western society, men are often taught from childhood to hide their feelings. They learn it's a weakness to express emotions other than anger or calm or to ask for help. Because their fathers and other male elders were socialized in the same way, men lack role models on how to process and communicate their thoughts and emotions. Because we continue to live in a society where toxic masculinity continues to reign supreme. Undertaking therapy can be even harder for men who were forced into adult responsibilities too early or who have had experiences that caused them to distrust doctors or therapists.

Those messages you’ve heard your whole life are powerful. But they’re not accurate. Seeking therapy is the farthest thing from weakness.

In reality, it’s one of the most courageous, unselfish things you can do.

How Counseling for Men Can Help

Men's Therapy unlocks personal empowerment that enables men at different ages and life stages to address challenges like these:

Ages 18-30

  • Difficulty establishing independence from your family of origin.
  • Finding your way or identity outside of family or relationships.
  • Feeling stuck, stagnant, or that life isn't going as it should; lacking direction, purpose, or meaning.
  • Struggling with emotional intimacy and commitment.
  • Loneliness or isolation — even though you're technologically connected 24/7.
  • Feeling like an outsider or imposter despite your academic or career achievements.

Ages 30-50

  • Fearing that the best part of your life is behind you.
  • Feeling intense nostalgia for your younger years.
  • Anxiety, sadness, or depression about aging.
  • Life feels unfulfilling, empty, or boring.
  • Desires to make impulsive changes or out-of-character decisions.
  • Struggling to cope with a new identity — such as a job change or parenthood.

Age 50 and Beyond

  • Feeling in competition with others.
  • Lacking hope about the future.
  • Difficulties relating to your children, partner, or others in general, especially younger generations.
  • Feeling that life lacks meaning now that you're retired and your children are grown.
  • Feeling diminished, overlooked, or brushed aside.
  • Feeling you're a burden on others.
  • Existential worry or dread.
  • Difficulty coping with the physical and emotional effects of maturity.
  • Loss of potency or desire.
  • Crises of self and identity.
  • Thoughts of suicide or self-harm.
Melissa Bennet-Heinz Image Background
Melissa Bennett-Heinz Image Therapy For Men

What Happens in Therapy for Men?

In therapy, we will explore narratives, parts of yourself, and patterns, both known and unknown, that may be causing you to feel overwhelmed and stuck. We'll discover what's at the core of your issues and what's keeping you isolated from yourself and those you care about. As we work together, you'll improve your emotional intelligence and explore new ways of relating and communicating while healing unresolved past wounds. As a result, you'll deepen your connection to your partner, your sense of purpose, and yourself.

Therapy for Therapists + Clinical Supervision

Get Started with Counseling for Men

Are you ready to prioritize your well-being, healing, and personal growth? I offer one-on-one Gestalt psychotherapy for men 19 and older in New York, North Carolina, Texas, and Washington State. The therapy process begins with a 20-minute discovery call to find out whether we're a good fit. If we decide to work together, we'll schedule our first full session. You can choose from 50-minute, 90-minute, or half-day sessions. We’ll meet using a secure telehealth platform. I also offer in-person “walk and talk” and outdoor therapy sessions in Central North Carolina.

Your well-being matters. And you deserve the insight, support, and guidance that therapy can provide. I’m looking forward to hearing from you!

Schedule your
discovery call